Thursday, 6 November 2008

The immature side of me... feedjit revealed that someone from ......... . That person may be had read my prevoios posts on under one topic...which i may concluded that "the immature side of my thinking.."..
that's a long time ago..being a final medical student..i start to know and learned to be be more positive.. more cheerful..less distressing..
not like my previous time..haha..
once thought to delete that post(s)..but..that's part of my experienced..sayang r nak delete..bila baca balik..mula la tergelak sorang diri..kelakar plak..instead of sedih or stress..kita ingat kita mature waktu by time, belum cukup lagi..
like my best frenz cakap : the experienced makes me wiser...


jeem said...

jgn delete.berguna bila tgok2 blik time tua nti..leh jd bhn gelak=)

A'a said...

tu r pasal..asyik bukak jer takut gak if ada yg salah sangka sebab ketidakmatangan perkara dulu..hehe