Viva 1
Examiner 1
1. Tell me about bone grafts?
2. Tell me about principles of fracture fixation ( absolute / relative stability and examples)
3. Post fracture fixation rehab principles . Gave example on intraarticular
Examiner 2 (prof Azhar)
1. Tell me about callous formation
2. Why you do compression plating.
3. Commonited femur shaft fracture done bridging plate with lock plate ( absolute or relative stability)
4. What is ( with unit) strain, stress. What is ductile, brittle and toughness
5. How does MRI and bone scan work? Clinical application of bone scan and why
6. What is student T test. How to compare means of two different group
Examiner 3 ( Ms noh)
1. Tell me why a diabetic ends up with lower limb amputation ( pathophysiology of diabetic foot)
2. Preoperative management of DFU in sepsis
3. Why do a burgress flap? Myodesis or myoplasty and why?
4. Post operative complications of bka
Examiner 1 ( Mr ng UM sports)
1. Lag screw principles
2. Shown an x-ray of elbow dislocation with coronoid #. Diagnosis? Then what you want to do? How to approach coronoid fracture
3. Proximal radius approach. If extend what muscle to release ( PT)? If released need to repair PT?
4. Anterior shoulder approach
Examiner 2 ( prof Jamari hand UKm)
1. Trigger finger release
2. Proximal pole scaphoid approach and steps of fixation. Screw length. Drilling technique
3. Radial nerve cut with humerus fracture. Methods of repair. Shortening Vs graft.
4. Tendon transfer principles. How to do side to side repair
Examiner 3 ( prof Anand)
1. Neck of femur in 50 year old. Everything from reduction to how to put screw. Screw size
2. Equinas foot child. How to know where to release? Steps in gastroc recession. Post Op Care.
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