Monday, 18 December 2017

Soalan Exam lagi..

CBO 2015 

Bila nak jawab entah la...

Jangan malas aA..jangan..

1. Lag screw principle

2. Tension band plate
    - discuss too about antiglide and neutralizing plate

3. Surgical approach to NOF in elderly sampai reaming of femoral canal..
    - pantang, jangan sebut THR..

4. How do you do CTR
    - explain hand landmark
    - what do you do if the nerve already atrophy

5. How do you do open discectomy for slip disc at L4/L
    - sampai removal of disc
    - position of pituitary forceps etc

6. How do you approach T12 anteriorly using thoracosubdiaphragmatic abdominal approach

7. Explain regarding tibial pin insertion
    - Upper tibia
    - Supracondylar pin
    - Calcaneal pin

8. How do you do CMR for
   a. posterior elbow dislocation
   b. Anterior shoulder dislocation
   c. Posterior hip dislocation
   d. Metaphyseal fracture radius in a child

9. Approach for septic hip in a child

10. How do you approach radial head fracture- to replace/resect
      - safe zone for fixation

11. Approach for fracture proximal third radius

CBO 2015 - VIVA

1. What do you understand by aseptic technique
     Maintenance of OT sterility, step taken when there is outbreak of infection post-operatively
     When to open back OT after cleaning
     Where to take swab in OT

2. Tuberculous cold abscess and Psoas abscess
     TB treatment regime, duration, mechanism of action each anti TB

3. Approach to a child with osteosarcoma and treatment

4. Elderly lady with NOF farcture
   - discuss the management, treatment as well as discussion of antiporotic in detail

5. Pink pulseless hand in child with supracondylar fracture humerus

6. Discuss musculoskeletal injury in Nepal earthquake

7. Management of humerus fracture with radial nerve palsy

8. Knee instability, how to scope..step by step

9. Tendinitis vs tendinoses

10. Principle of biopsy

11. Basic surgical skill

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