Sunday, 24 May 2015

VIVA techniques MOA master class 2015

Viva techniques moa master class 2015

Prof hafiz
��Viva is aimed to See ur thoughts flow. Its a rapid fire--make it direct to the point��

��Give lecture to others daily. Pick 1 topic per day. Gain ur confidence thru that

��Dont interrupt the examiner. Ask to rephrase politely

��Use proper english

��Check ur voice. Say it clearly with good tones

��Hard question is a bonus to get distinction
Dont be stress

��maintain ur eye cntc��

Prof ruhi
����Viva is a frightening experience :try to be calm

��Take 2-3 seconds to organize answer 

��"would u like to reconsider ur answer?"
Say yes. And think it back

��Be acute to situations 

��Carefully listening the questions 

��Rephrase if u don't get it 

Eg how would u manage...?
Complication of something?
��Make it structured 
Eg. Acute complications and chronic complications 

��Dont say like 5 complications. 
Dont mention figure. Try to avoid 

Prof jamal
Previously viva got 4 sessions 
Currently is being simplified-2

��Viva is something that u prepared everyday to ur pt-practice that way
��Daily tips: go back n read the same topic although already come across that many times before

��Choose 1 case to be prepared per list of ot And start telling ur colleagues and the surgeon especially,to validate ur answer weather its true and up to the standard 

��Always look at examiner face. Maintain eye contact 

��Leads the examiner. Direct them to ur comfort zone esp when u r being alot of samples(of implant for example)
Eg bone cement 
Whats the material?fx?complication? 
Explain one by one

Viva sessions (practical session)
��1st question is alwys an ice breaking question
Next is direct question to the specific topics

��Eg what hv u done in ur hospital? 
-choose from what u r confident most 

��Eg principle of lag screws
Draw the screw and frcture:make it fast-take less than 1 minutes

��Give exact answer;eg lower limbs drill bit and screw size 
-Answer straight drilling with 4.5 dril bit then 3.5 size ,with direction perpendicular to fracture site
-purchase the Prox cortex first then Distal cortex
-Countersink and put the screw
-Tighten the screw

Eg:how to do bka? 
��Answer directly ��
-i check the consent 
Dont say that u r explaining from risk,Benefits,indications--its wasting time!!
Unless u being asked about that further

-mark the rite leg 
-then explaination to surgical technique 

��Dont mention name in approach 
Say eg:posterior approach of the hip 
Dont say hardinge. Henry etc 
Use the anatomical landmark to begin with��

��Basic questions is for u to pass
Hard questions is for u to get distinction!��

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