it's almost a month since i entered Paeds a HO..
now, i've been posted to SCN (known as NICU)..for neonates..
takut tu memang takut nk masuk posting paeds..semua kecik dan nano..
lagi lagi bila kena psoting kat NICU..triple kecik..kena set line kat budak2 kecik..mula2 memang takut n kesian la nk cucuk tp bila dh terpaksa cucuk..buat jugak..
afraid and not confident to do all the procedurews especially setting up the line..all are small in size..but it's my work to save lives..u want or dun want, u have to set the line, the branula so that the medication can reach the baby's circulation.
Edward Syndrome
- in NICU, again, for the 2nd time in my life i encounter with baby with Edward Syndrome, trisomy 18.
this baby is a girl, weight 1.7..currently 1.980kg..very small and cute. she will cry everytime she feel someone touches is her 32 days of life.
prognosis for her is very poor. she also got some cardiac murmur at left sternal edge and we already planned for ECHO fo her later on..currently, she's been feed via Ryle's Tube..a tube inserted through the mouth to the gastric..she drinks 40cc every 3 hour.
Just now i searched for some information about Edward Syndrome. Usually they will die becoz of heart, kidney abnormalities and also due to apnea (stop breathing). Try search for the information in the's already will make u feel sad and pity for this girl..
i nearly drop my tears when i review this baby at 9pm just now..
She's got high nasal bridge (dia akan nampak ada hidung yg mancung), micrognathia (small jaw), trisomy fingers (overlapping of 2nd and 3rd fingers) and few more characters that currently i forgot..sorry..
during my student years, one Edward Sydrome baby only last for 8 days before she RIP.
i always tell the staff nurse at NICU to take care of this child, to comb the hair, to clean the face and hair that she will look more tidy and cuter.
on this monday, we will repeat the blood investigation for her..i think i'm not able to do the blood taking. maybe i will ask help form other HO..if can't, i will do it myself..OMG..
well..already sleepy..nedd to call..
next time i will story about Treacher Collin Syndrome..
if u want to know more about this two syndrome, just search from the search engine..
we dunno who will have this kind of baby later, better know than not..
aa, ak pn posting paed gak, kt neonate gak.. ak dh jumpa 3 patau, 1 edward, down syndrom, x terkira dh brape... tganu ni bnyk syndrom trisomi la..
ReplyDeleteaku xnak jumpa kat sini ada Treacher Collin..menarik la..
ReplyDeleteaku pg2 bila review budak2 syndromic ni aku suka main2 n gurau ngan diorg..aku exercisekan diorg..sentuh2 hidung, pipi n kepala..
best la..diorg senyum lg..yg nmpk diorg senyum jer tahu bestnya..
Terengganu byk risk factor ker??
banyak mistik yang terjadi sebelum kelahirannya dan semasa kelahirannya .....dan sebalik redha dengan kelahirannya ada lagi kisah sedih yang tersembunyi di sebalik kelahirannya pada hari itu... pengorbanannya sebagai kakak yang hidup 4bulan 13 hari... masih belum jaya mengembalikan sesuatu yang hak... pada yang hak..... di mana ia membisikan sesuatu sebelum lahir bahawa dia akan mengunakan caranya sendiri untuk mencari kehilangan kembarnya... kebenaran pasti terungkap jua ............
ReplyDeletetq for the comment..
ReplyDeletetp siapa yg 4 bulan 13 hari tu??..
apepun..thanks for the opinion..
hidup sy sebagai HO, sbgai medical personnel byk buka mata dan minda sy untuk lebih mengerti erti hidup dan pancaroba..