Tuesday, 28 April 2009

Malam Graduasi..

di Hotel Grand River View

makanan??...xsesedap mcm kat New Horizon..

simple..taruk kicap skit..pepper skit..minyak skit..jdilah sotong goreng..

lauk lain..nasik mcm nasik goreng berajinomoto...ada sayur campur and isi ketam sintetik..


hbh nasik xleh tambah...nasik xbyk pun..kalo standard..mcm 3 org makan..tp kami dpt untuk dimakan seramai 10 org..

xpatut dgn bayaran rm65..rm20, PADU tolong tambah..

junior2...jgn wat kat sana..xbest..

gi la ke New Pacific ke...hotel lain la..

sudah la bas kami dtg lambat..bila smpai..waahhh..ramainya jejaka year 4 depan pintu..

tp sorg pun xder yg tolong tunjuk kat meja mana yg ada kosong lagi..

kami nonong carik tempat..

dh la nk duk tpt kosong.."maaf..sini dh ada org.."

"sini pun ada dah..".."dh ada org book.."

boleh byg tak berapa byk meja yg kami try approach..


last2..kami duk je meja paling depan yg kami pun heran apsal xder org nk gi duk situ..

Alhamdulillah..depan stage, depan wayang kulit..

at least i enjoy the wayang kulit show...

juniorku sekalian..make sure kalo korg xnk benda sama berlaku..warning awal2 saper yg in-charge..

Apa yg best...

kwn2 kami sporting...

kami ambik kesempatan untuk bergambar byk2...before kuar USM ni..

benda lain yg best..group kami under supervision Dr.Azhany...

kami dpt group terbaik untuk CFCS masa Fasa III..

TQ doctor..

ketar lutut masa ambik hadiah dari Prof Hashim..(ni kwn sekelas ayoh masa kat SIC)..

mcm biasa..xpandang kamera dh..hahah..

gambar??ada..nnti tunggu line phone clear dulu...


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. haa.. tu la aa.. banyak ngat komen.. kan dah kena fire balik ngan kamarul... hoho.. panjang lebar plop tu..

  3. byk ker??aku xmewakili org lain..apa yg aku komen..that's what i experienced that night..
    memandangkan aku dh tahu perkara sebenar..aku decide untuk delete comment tu..aku tahu apa yg berlaku terlebih awal..apa yg salah..sendiri tahu la..
    aku nk fire balik pun, kalo xder satu benda tu, xguna gak..

  4. uiks ap yg aa dh tau trlebih awal? ap yg aa tau perkara sebenar berlaku? kalo aa nk pastikan bhw ap yg benar tu mmg benar n bukan palsu, bley je kalo nk diskus kan kat ym. bley gak kt chat sekali dgn bbrp exco ak yg menjadi saksi.

    eheh yg pasti, tima kaseh sb kasi komen sb duit tu. InsyaAllah ak akan buat salinan penyata akaun malam graduasi dan bagi kpd setiap seorg sekali dgn album batch tu nnt...


  5. xper..xperlu explain to me..not to me..to whom??..xperlu gtau..lgpun i already know and understand what exactly had happer..from multiple sources..
    saper, bila, batch mana, sejak bila..that's confidential..
    pasal penyata tu, xperlu la..xnk ambik tahu dh..
    nk YM pun xperlu la..lptop aku ni umur pendek..15 minit jer tahan..

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. ooo xpela kalo gitu. tp utk memastikan ak tidak difitnah oleh org2 yg tidak bertanggungjawab, nnt ak postkn link utk story sebenar yg berlaku mlm tu. memandangkan boyfren yg empunya badan dh call ak n die pon dah siap ugut ak n nk dtg cari ak. so kot2 ape yg jd nnt, biar sume org tau dlu. bab die ugut ak, ekekekeke tak takot pon, mehla dtg...ak sedia menyambutnyeee...ekekkee


  8. whatever la naem..tp ingat..everything yg kuar dari mulut kita, everything yg kita tulis reflects our own personality and boleh mempengaruhi kepercayaan org terhadap kita, benda paling penting kalo nk hidup aman kat mana2..
    and plz..i believe and i know that guy..dia bukan ugut..dia cuma nk settlekan and explain the real thing..kan aku ckp, by phone or mesej, xeffective nk settle benda ni..unless ada sorg judge and korg face-to-face..
    kalo berani and ada kekuatan..

  9. Setuju dgn Aa, everything yg kite tulis reflects our own personality.

    dan tak semestinye ad keberanian dan kekuatan sahja utk menyelesaikan masalah, tp mesti ada kejujuran dan menghormati satu sama lain.

    bile ad kejujuran, yg haq pasti mengatasi yg batil, buat ap risau kepercayaan org trhdp kite, yg penting Allah tahu ap yg kite lakukan, yg kite ckpkan, yg kite tuliskan adalah benar.

    bile ad kejujuran juge, suatu msalah boley disetel walopon tanpa sorg judge melalui medium ap pon trmasuklah by phone n mesej.

    bile seseorg menulis utk mempersoalkan hasil pengorbanan n gerak kerja org laen tanpa disokong oleh bukti kukuh, maka die perlu bersedia utk dipersoalkan. bab confidential atau tidak, persoalan yg lebih penting, kejujuran n kekuatan utk membuktikan hasil penulisannya.

    penyata akaun akan tetap dicetak n akan disebarkn kpd semua spy dpt membuktikan persoalan2 tertentu yg dikemukakan oleh pihak2 yg tak bertanggungjawab.

    memanglah blog digunakan utk menyatakan rasa seseorg ttg sesuatu kejadian yg berlaku kpd dirinya, namun apabila penulisan blog itu melibatkan ketelusan sesorg yg lain, maka hukum asas 'rule of law' perlu digunapakai. Persoalan perlu dibuktikan, bukan diasaskan samada ia dipercayai org sekeliling atau tidak.

  10. p/s: Ni jawapan ak kpd komen Aa ttg Mlm Graduasi.


  11. http://confrontingdeceit.blogspot.com

  12. kita mungkin terasa kita jujur..lg2 bila kkta ingat kita ni macm betul jer dlm setiap perkara..dan possibility untuk menokok tambah cerita setiap kali kita cuba memeprtahankan diri memang ada..
    and apa yg aku maksudkan dgn keberanian dan kekuatan dlm menyelesaikan masalah adaah..kesediaan untuk menerima teguran dan feedback dari org lain bila benda yg kita handle ada kelemahan..bukan kita jer yg cakap..kena prepare untuk terima apa yg org lain cuba jelaskan..nk dgr semua tu..semestinya kena ada kekuatan and keberanian..kalo tak, diri xprepare..maka jd satu hala jer..last2, prob xsettle..dendam berjela..
    aku mempersoalkan and meluahkan kat blog aku pasal itulah realiti yg aku lalui..nk kebenaran??xperlu..nk aku dptkan testimoni dari student lain??nk aku tnya doctor2 pensyarah yg hadir malm tu??apa yg aku tulis..that's my personal view..memg melibatkan ketelusan keje org lain..tp itu aku buat sekdar pengajaran untuk batch2 akan dtg..aku just sentuh surface2..mls la nk tulis pjg..karang beremosi plak..
    bila ada org komen, masa tu, jgn terasa keje kita dh perfect..setidaknya, kita tahu kita belum cukup pandai and matang..and still xcukup open minded..that's the importance of organization..ada organisasi, gunakan untuk dptkan keputusan yg optimum..untuk make sure apa yg kita handle, xder byk sgt msalah..
    and itu kesempatan untuk kita improve lagi kebolehan kita handle something..dgn kata lain, itulah feedback..
    nk terima feedback yg jujur, kena da keberanian and kekuatan..and kesediaan untuk menerima teguran..bukan membls balik..org lain nmpk apa yg kita xnmpk..begitu jugak dgn peribadi kita..kita tak nmpk apa yg ada pd diri org tu..
    for ur info..aku encoyrage kwn aku anta email personal citer pasal pe'el akusupaya aku boleh improve myself...beribu aku kwn..setakat ni hnya ada 3 org yg betul2 bg aku testimoni kat aku..

  13. satu lg..nk org hormat kita, cubalah menghormati org lain terlebih dahulu..bukan mgharapkan dgn adanya pangkat, org akn menghormati kita..
    medium untuk judge optional..lg2 kalo before ni, satu pihak jer yg bukak mulut tnpa bg peluang utk pihak satu lagi.sedangkan mhkamah pun perlu juri dan hakim..untuk keadilan..
    nk cetak penyata tu, cetak la..aku xnk..
    apa yg xbest mlm tu, aku dh compensate dgn kebestan kwn2 aku yg baik dgn aku..cuma sedih kwn aku sorg tu xder mlm tu..

  14. setelah berfikir pasal benda ni tado..dan setelah mengambil kira certain things, i decided not to response anymore to the person whose the post have been delete..
    it's not worthy to reply back, to fight back the things that already happen when most of the us know the reality behind the scene..
    besides, the feedback i wrote is not consider as the feedback when he can;t keep it confidential in his blog..
    quite dissapointed
    and admitting self mistakes is a better way for everyone to improve the life..
    i admit my mistakes for posting the post and complaining some of the problem arised..
    at least i have learn
    1. to appreciate what the EXCO and AJK already tried for us..
    2. improve self from receiving feedback
    3.to not think the small matter too much when u know it cant be change anymore..reserved for the more important thing
    4. experience makes me wiser..

  15. Aa, i have never said that you should not comment any problem on Malam Graduasi. I did thank you for your comments. I did say at the end of the explanation that any other comment is very much welcomed. I did NOT also asked you to delete this post. It serves as a window of opportunity for others to understand your views on the matter and others' responses towards your comments.

    Now the idea of making feedbacks and comments on one event is NOT a one way initiative. Its a two ways initiative, i mean, you attend an event, u make your comments and you receive responses for your comments. A PERSON WHO HAS THE WILL TO MAKE COMMENTS MUST HAVE THE EXACT WILL TO RECEIVE RESPONSES TOWARDS HIS COMMENTS.

    Now, thats wonderful that you receive comments on your personal behavior through your email, and you try to change that. But like your comment here, it is not only aimed at my personal behavior but also involved the whole organizing committee and decisions we have made together and not alone. And thats why i have to response positively to your comments so that the others can understand on the matter.

    Now Aa, lets not get too hyped up. There are parts of your comments that i personally agreed on and any untoward mistakes, I am deeply sorry for what had happened. But there are parts of your comments that need clarifications and elaborated detailed explanation on the matter.

    If I don't have the courage and strength to take on your comments, I would not response to any of your comments and tried to explain things and confessed on mistakes that i deemed have troubled others, would I?


  16. ex usmkk student13 May 2009 at 16:08

    Grad Nite is a scam la the food is not worth the amount of money paid.
    The way it was done, very low class
    And the wayang kulit was purely irritating

    And whats with giving out ridiculous prizes, UN peace prize, back benchers and all that? waste of money!

  17. post ni xsepatutnya HOT..HOT sebab komen 1st menyentuh isu yg xsepatutnya ditulis dlm komen blog ni..
    and i dun think my post mempertikaikan dgn hebat ketelusan organisasi yg handle mlm graduasi..it's just an ordinary unpleasant complaint on something..
    kita tahu and sedar bukan mudah nk menyenangkan hati semua pihak..
    xpernah menerima feedback tentang sesuatu yg kita buat??sedangkan lecturer every end posting pun anta borg feedback untuk improve posting pelajar2nya, inikan pulak kita..
    cukuplah..stop diz chain..
    i think this is towards more on individual problem and those involved already know who they are..
    sebagai mematuhi comment aA before ni..i 'll stop drop any comment on this post.TQ
    jika rasa xpuas ati lgi, do email me..TQ

    adik2 EXCO, thanks sebab korg sanggup meminta maaf dari kami tnapa diminta..kami faham..TQ
