kalo korg perasan..yg about me kat sebelah tu..before ni aA tulis think positive..
memang tu yg selalu duk pikir..rupanya silap..
td ada kelas ngan psychologist..dia kata pemikiran n thinking kita ni ada 4 jenis..
1. positive thought
2. rational thought
3. negative thought
4. automatic thought
selama ni betul dah konsep yg aA selalu buat tu..tp tersalah word..bukan positif tp rational yg sepatutnya..
meh nk explain pasal thought ni..
Senario 1:
Emmm...contoh la dapat sakit yg terminal illness ker..
1. Positif : ala..biasa la tu sakit...apa nak takut
2. Rational : i can be sad but i'm not depress
3. Negative: sedihnya..dah xder harapan dh ni..hidup pun xguna dah..
4. Automatic : why me???
kalo yg positif...org ni terima jer sad event tu tnpa rasa down or depress..
kalo rational..dia terima tp dia wujudkan satu thought untuk bangkitkan balik diri dia..not giving up..
kalo negatif..dia menambhkan lagi kesedihan dia
kalo automatic..1st thought yg dtg dlm kepala saat dpt tahu sad event tu..
kalo aoutomatic ni..nk paham..bygkan anda dpt tahu perkara buruk berlaku..apa yg memula dtg dlm kepala..itulah automatic thought..
kata lecturer td..mengeluh..arrgghhhh...errrhhhmmm...tu semua automatic thought yg telah diekspresikan..thought yg very short, xsempat pun nk bersopan yg dtg secara spontan..
byk lg contoh..
setiap org ada automatic thought ni..
dipengaruhi oleh 3 perkara...(3 benda ni la kami seramai 26 org td xdpt teka..hahhaha...)iaitu:
1. behaviour
2. cognitive
3. biological

bila menghadapi sesuatu sad event..or unwanted event..automatic thoughts will come which will contribute as high as 80% for the emotion/behaviour as the result..
the event itself only gives 20% for the emotion/behaviour to occur..
event tu hnya bg 20% sahaja untuk emotion/behavior...yg 80% lagi ditentukan oleh automatic thought how do we response or behave towards the event..mcm peik skit..tp hope korg paham..
so, automatic thought la yg penting n boleh kita ubah bila berlaku sebarang perkara yg unwanted ni..
rational thought is more relevant than positive thought...and the automatic thought will determine how our emotion and behaviour towards the event..
rational thought come later..after the automatic thought..OK..hehehe..
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