Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Differential for Hippopotamus..

Juz finish clinical exam for end posting exam...SURGERY POSTING..
best..and kurang stress skit la..
my examiner said i started the presentation very well at the beginning until i got stuck at the differential diagnosis...hahaha..terlupa...
actually i already know the patient's diagnosis but as the disease are less, better to put it at the least last..i totally forgot the exact diagnosis...camner ni boleh lupa??..dah kaget kan..
so, the examiner try to help me by asking me the differential for Hippopotamus..badak air..
alamak..sekali lagi blur..differential diagnosis for badak air??...Aa examined orang, bukan badak..tetiba lak otak auta aA melarikan diri..sampai takleh paham soklan tu..hahah..
then dia gtau..elephant, rhinoceros tu la differential diagnosis for badak air tu..
dia kata lagi..jgn la letak tikus as ur differential sebab memang jauh beza..
paham paham..
TQ Doc..
and masa memula introduce as examinee kat dia..dia tnya nama Aa..
then dia tnya kenal tak Nadya Suleman..then Aa jawab "yes..have heard about her"..
"so, who is Nadya Suleman".."the one who gave birth to octuplet"..
next question yg dia tnya "different between octuplet and sixtuplet"..hahaha...
kelakar gak tadi..
last sekali..dia kata "Congratulations"...hehe..TQ TQ..lulus clinical tapi theory exam esok..huhu...susah soklannya..

Last two examiner told me and my frenz dalam nada yang very acceptable..:
Don't dissapoint me during your Professional III exam"...

NEVER GIVE UP..I will make it..a must..

petang ni ada kelas paediatric surgery..kul 2pm..selama 3 jam non-stop..

k...nk baca buku jap...

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