Wednesday, 24 December 2008

Nak keje kat mana ni??

Juz came back from HRPZ II a.k.a Hospital Kota Bharu for a teaching session with Prof Zabidi..(USM Paediatrician)...a lot of things we learn today especially how to tackle a shy n non-cooperative child.
After the session..we had an informal session with the HO in of them from UPM, and the other one from IMU..a lot of questions we asked..
and most of them regarding Housemanship..
which hospital is the best..??
how's the staff and working environment..
clinical skill that we can learn..
and many more..

After a trip to Sabah in June this year..i'm very excited to do my HO year in Kota Kinabalu..becoz of the beauty...right now??...may be KK is one of the most bziest hospital..
imagine u receive a lot of patients from most part of the KK and the area surrounds it including Kota MArudu, maybe Kudat and Kota Belud..
what a big area of coverage..and of course..the workload..
too much load also a disadvantages for us to learn about the managemnet of the cases. Like ROBOT la..

then, i decided to got to Hospita Batu Pahat..
why?? sister, aDA stay there..and her house exactly in front of the hospital..
easy for me..transport??confirm..just walk..
house??cnfirm..tumpang jer..
Besides..HBP not too bz and no too relax..just nice..
Dr. Lee (HO from IMU) also told that the staffs there are very nice..good working environment..

The problem is..
we are given 3 choices to choose..and whoever put any hospital located in Sabah and Sarawak..even the 3rd choice..u will be send there..directly.. means, ur 1st and second choice will be directly ignored..
if not, i'm very daring to put the 3rd choice Hospital Tawau..
Help me..anybody got any information about other hospital??

i'm not interested with the following hospital...
1. any hospital in Kelantan, terengganu, Pahang
2. Hospital Kulim
3. Any University Hospital
4. any hospital in Sarawak
5 Hospital Teluk Intan
6. Hospital Kelang and Ampang
7. emmm...mana lagi yer??..

and quite interested with
1. Selayang
2. Serdang
3. xder dah..xleh nk pk dah...

k..already class after this..Radiology..


  1. Hospital Kajang tak nak? boleh duduk rumah mama abe :)

  2. baru lepas balik rumah..discuss ngan mok n ayoh..
    dia kata 1st letak BP, 2nd Kajang..3rd jgn Sabah S'wak..
    senang dia nk gi melawat katanya..

  3. kalau camtu 3rd letak Serdang lah :) dekat jugak ngan rumah kajang

  4. tu r..ada gak pk tp ada KKM kata dh full..ntah la..maybe ada kekosongan tp boleh try letak..kwn aA pun ada letak serdang..

  5. Hi my name is Adrian and currently a final year MS. Would like to ask u how is HBP in your own opinion. Is it a good learning environment as u hv said?? thx~!

  6. hi Adrian..HBP is a good place to learn but if u want to learn more n become more independent..go to HBP..the staffs are very gaps
