My grandmother and my mother
28 December mother's birthday..
She was born in 28 December 1953..that makes her turn into 55 years old this year..
and this afternoon, i met her while walking out from the ward area in HKB..
she was there to pick up some insulin needle supply from the diabetic clinic there..
at that time..i really dun remember it was her birthday..
as me, aDA n ATIH already wish her 2 days earlier..(as we thought we are not available at home on 28th)
Later, i met my brother, Abe..outside the building after make a call to him..
He's home yesterday..and brought back some deer silap..kijang..(dlm english aper yer??)..
Kami adik beradik bagi Mok hadiah last 2 days..hmm....benda yang gerak flip flap tu..bentuk rama2..guna kuasa solar..ada yang bentuk daun 2 helai..comey...
boleh letak dalam kereta..tepi tingkap ker..sonok tgk dia gerak...
yang daun bagi hadiah sempena birthday Che Ja, New Year ni..1st January..aA tak tahu whether aDA n ATIH dah bg belum kat Che Ja..hehe..
Hepi Birthday MOK...
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