I've got problems with the people (certain persons) since i'm entering 4th year..we have not talk like frenz does as usual..no smiles..(sometimes yes..but not as sweet as before)..i realized that between us got something that we called "MISUNDERSTANDING"..my God..what a teribble person u r A'a..
i know that the only way we can get rid the condition is "Face to Face"..did i have the strength to do so?? I hope the strength and the willing will come to me and can give synergistic effect before finishing my 4th year..i want my frenz back..no matter what she thinks of me..plz forgive me..the only thing is i wanna correct the misunderstanding that have stay in both our mind since long ago.. i've got my egois too...but when i comes to FRENSHIP, SILATURRAHIM that we'd build before..it's not worth to sacrifice to destroy it juz becoz of our egois..is it rite??
Lately..nope..since (i also dun remember when..)..i always had dreams..

Dreams that we're both get back as frenz just like before..we're smiles, chatting, talking and doing things like nothing happen..even though not as good as before but we're frenz again..
How sweet the dreams are..2-3 days ago..the dreams keep coming almost every nites..can u imagine how happy i am..inside..i can smile to myself when i'm thinking about it again and again..
it gives me some kind of motivation that i will proceed with my plan..to get my frenz back..
To that person..if u read this blog.. I wanna u to know that..i've been prepared myself since long time ago to get the braveness to accept my mistakes, to face u..juz to make sure our SILATURAHIM is back..for the sake of Islam and our faith to Allah..
To others, doakan saya mendapat kekuatan menghadapi hari-hari mendatang dengan segala kemungkinan dengan tabah and tenang..I can't see my mistakes but all of u as my frenz can see it..and frenzs are the only hope i have to improve myself..

"Tidak sempurna iman kamu selagi kamu tidak menyayangi saudara kamu sebagaimana kamu menyayangi diri sendiri"..
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