Thursday, 24 April 2008

I'm Back..

Thursday, April 24, 2008 (during my orthopaedic posting)

Setelah sekian lama..ingatkan xnak tulis dalam blog pk balik..bak kata Azimah..precious experience makes me matter it’s bad or good..So, dia lah yang galakkan untuk sambung balik blog nih..bunyi cam give up ker before ni??...heheh..
Hmmm..ingat lagi tak pasal Neurosains ni??? Ingat kot..the shortest and sempoi posting i ever had..hehehe..
K..akhirnya report psikiatri siap jugak n berjaya dihantar..New posting nih kami ada ward round cam biasa..tapi still kena cover kes..termasuk kes yang kat 2 Delima..(ICU)..aik..camner nk clerk kes yang kat sana?? Clerk folder la..kata kawan sorang nih..oooo…

1st DAY of the POSTING
kena tegur ngan doctor coz kami xcover kes..hahah..padan muka kami semua..then, lepas kena marah tu..kami pun divide lah saper nk cover kes ni kes itu..ditakdirkan .. 2 patient yang kami dah clerk dulu dah ada makhluk yang ambik..tolerate, 3 rd patient kami clerk..dah confirm dah xder student lain yg gi clerk..esok tu pulak..baru dp tahu, ada student lain gi clerk jgk patient tu..tapi student ni berkeras gak nak ambik patient la kita..ditakdirkan kami ergaduh sepanjang posting Neurosains..alahai xmatured nyer time tu..
kalo semangat RAJIN tu ada, sure xjadi problem besar.. apepun itulah kenangan..

posting nih pun sempoi gak..xyah nak tensen2 kepala pk dah penuh ke tak..tulis jer ape pun sure doc tandatangan..besar2 pulak tu signature..ada student yg isi penuh2 then mintak signature dari sorg neurosurgeon jer..means ada satu jer signature dalam page tu..waahhh..A’a lain plak.sajer x isi penuh2..isi 2-3 jer sekali.untuk kes2 yang a’a betul-betul dengar and paham, hari ni mintak surgeon lain signature, esok surgeon lain plak..barulah ada varieties signature dalam satu page tu…hahaha…lagi satu..kalo dah penuh sekaligus..sure kita tak akan ada motivasi lagi nak follow ward rounds next next day kan..
to make u move..always find something as ur motivate u..things, person (oooppss..yang ni xder lagi..), patient’s case n etc..

A’a dapat cop sorang adik ni as patient yang a’a cover..ingat lagi nama dia sampai sekarang. He’s 16 years old..admitted due to collapse during assembly at the school..find out to have atlanto-axial, he’s ventilator dependent..very cachexic and always crying when someone go near him and ask him certain questions..terharu kot.. Atlanto-axial instability is a condition where the atlas..the first vertebrae cannot properly articulate with the 2nd vertebrae, axis (odontoid process) a result..can cause nerve compression, and sometimes can affect the respiration innervation (C3 and C4)..poor this guy..4 days later..he got abdominal distension..very tense and shiny abdomen..the mom keep going put some ointment to reduce it..but loking at the painful face of the patient..and with my experienced having abdominal distension (very painfull..)..i decided to tell the nurses regarding the patient.. She inserted a nasogastric tube and aspirate a volume of air..and subsequently, the abdomen reduce in size and the patient able to smile and eat again..
The doctor’s on call were informed..the review were recorded..and the next day..i got to know that the patient got Gastroparesis..weakness of the intestine and stomach to mobile..he’s worsen..
At the end of 2nd week..i dunno what happen to at that time..we can’t enter the ICU as there were exam’s he is at that time, I really dunno..

We didn’t have any chance to enter the OT..huhu..even the scheduled not too pack but a lot to study and it’s not the requirement for our log book..hahaha..maybe next time..

Finally..the exam..kelakar..terkejut pun ada..
Kami diberi beberapa puluh soklan MCQ..MEQ pun ada gak..5 jer kot..xingat dah..
Jawab punya jawab MCQ tu..atas kertas sendiri..bukan atas OMR yang cantik tu..atas kertas mana-mana lah yang ada..yang dah renyuk pun boleh…Dr. ‘Wahid’ yang jaga masa tu..Sori yer Doctor..hehe..cepat sangat dia tukar slide masa tu..memang xsempat nk pk r..hbh jer dia round semua MCQ..masa untuk check jawapan..yg check n ‘rait’ jawapan bukan mesin OMR or doctor tp kami-kami gak..tukar-tukar ngan kawan sebelah jer..hahaha…Sempoi tak??
Alhamdulillah..even gitu pun..still melepasi markah lulus..markah penuh time tu 120 kot..A’a dapat 98..ok lah tu..
Pergi jer exam..sure lulus…
Naper sempoi sangat??
Coz neurosurgeon ni sibuk sangat sampai tak ada masa nak handle student yang, surgeon2 nih bagi jer kami lulus posting ni..n posting ni memang best lah..
Di USM ada ramai neurosurgeon yang hebat..
Bila dengar surgeon2 nih bercakap sesama diorang memang kecut n kagum..naper tak nyer??..diorang cakap ”Semalam aku belah kepala orang nih....” ”Patient semalam aku remove brain dia skit coz ada tumor...”..ala-ala gitu la...
Belah kepala..bukak otak..etc..

Patient is our text book..appreciate them..have a good communication skill and always take part in anything that involved ur team..kalo ikut er ward round tanpa tahu tu kes ape..sama gak ngan xbelajar berjalan2 di dalam wad lah patient..from there u can learn..n u know what to ur guide..jangan malas yer A’a..
Main game tu kurang kan..
Study study never give up..
And one more thing..never take advantage jika surgeon n lecturers kita baik2..mentang2 dia baik…kita xcover patient..xgi ward round..if our parents know we didn’t do our responsibility as a medical student..sedih diorang..sebenarnya nak cakap kat sini..Neurosurgeon kat sini baik2..bagus2..korang jangan r pijak kepala dia..whatever la..THANKS A LOT…

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