Pagi2 dah kena siap untuk ke Kg. Kutan..our first eye service for the community..syoknyaa..
Ingatkan xkena bawak white coat..nasib baik my frenz datang bilik n kata kena bawak..kalo tak..maunya tertukar gaya MO ke student..he he he..
Dah sampai sana..dah siap setting kat Surau Puteh tu, kami dijemput makan pagi oleh penduduk kat situ..sedap..nasik lemak ngan air teh panas..huhuhu..
Lepas tu..kami pun start la wat keje..suppose sorg student handle one patient dari registration sampai la consultation dgn MO tp aku sorg patient pun xberjaya wat gitu..
Ada satu masa tu, my frenz yg jaga bahagian funduscopy iring one pakcik and i told her that the pakcik cannot go home yet as he got eye problems and need to be consult by one of the, aku take over la pakcik tu..bawak gi jumpa Dr. Tan..
Masa tu, Dr. Tan baru jer sampai and nampak dia cam terpinga-pinga..memang susun atur kat dalam tu serabut and i'm d only one yg xbz masa tu, aku gi la approached Dr. Tan..1st time cakap ngan dia..he he he..i told him that there's one pakcik need his consultation..then i lead them to a desk..complete with all the equipment for eye examination..and i lend my own funduscope at that time..
Yg bestnya..Dr. Tan ajar la pasal pterygium..a fibrovascular growth kat conjunctiva..memang best penerangan dia coz dia tak kesah saper yg dia ajar tak kira itu mentee dia or not.
Finally, pakcik tu kena refer ke HUSM untuk wat Pterygium Excision as it's going to extend and disturb the visual axis..dapat la peluang isi borang referral tu..
Dr. Tan jugak ajar sorg my frenz yg bukan mentee dia lepas tu..Dr Tan memang ada gaya sorg lecturer and doc yg hebat...Chaiyok2..
Then time untuk kutip signature funduscopy and short my MO didn't join the eye service, i have to approached any of the MO..ha ha that time barulah tahu apa yg diorg cakap pasal mentee Dr. Azreen.. kelakar sgt..ayat yg paling best "Siannye Azreen, naperlah mentee dia camnie.." bunyik cam our Mentor quite dissapointed la coz kitorg lambat nk appreciate finding time kat hu hu..masa tu, MO-MO tak tahu yg aku ni salah sorg mentee Dr. Azreen..hik hik, appraoch kali pertama xberjaya..
however, nk buktikan jgk mentee Dr. Azreen ni boelh buat jgk..try kali kedua..alone..without my frenz..MO ni kelakar..dia kata "alahai teruknya lukisan funduscopy kamu." tapi aku jawab balik "yg penting kita paham lukisan tu and saya nampak finding tu.."..hehehe..MO tu angguk setuju..wahhhh...sonoknya..
and kali ketiga untuk approach MO lain untuk funduscopy yg last ialah Dr. Che Maheran..
masa dia nk turunkan signature dia, dia tnya " Awak ni mentee saper yer??.." then aku reply " Sayalah mentee Dr. Azreen yg sorg lagi tu..."..kami gelak sama2..he he he..
Even time klinik kami xleh nk appreciate finding tp kami berjaya tgk findings time gi menceroboh ke wad medical and ortho semata2 nk tgk Diabetic Retinopathy..siap kena lecture ngan MO medical lagi..yeay...kami boleh...
Thanks MO, thanks Dr. Azreen..Thanks a lot my frenzs..i learned so much thing from u all..
never forget that..that's why i put all the things happen during the posting in this blog..n in my own diary..
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