Pagi2 dah kena siap untuk ke Kg. Kutan..our first eye service for the community..syoknyaa..
Ingatkan xkena bawak white coat..nasib baik my frenz datang bilik n kata kena bawak..kalo tak..maunya tertukar gaya MO ke student..he he he..
Dah sampai sana..dah siap setting kat Surau Puteh tu, kami dijemput makan pagi oleh penduduk kat situ..sedap..nasik lemak ngan air teh panas..huhuhu..
Lepas tu..kami pun start la wat keje..suppose sorg student handle one patient dari registration sampai la consultation dgn MO tp aku sorg patient pun xberjaya wat gitu..
Ada satu masa tu, my frenz yg jaga bahagian funduscopy iring one pakcik and i told her that the pakcik cannot go home yet as he got eye problems and need to be consult by one of the, aku take over la pakcik tu..bawak gi jumpa Dr. Tan..
Masa tu, Dr. Tan baru jer sampai and nampak dia cam terpinga-pinga..memang susun atur kat dalam tu serabut and i'm d only one yg xbz masa tu, aku gi la approached Dr. Tan..1st time cakap ngan dia..he he he..i told him that there's one pakcik need his consultation..then i lead them to a desk..complete with all the equipment for eye examination..and i lend my own funduscope at that time..
Yg bestnya..Dr. Tan ajar la pasal pterygium..a fibrovascular growth kat conjunctiva..memang best penerangan dia coz dia tak kesah saper yg dia ajar tak kira itu mentee dia or not.
Finally, pakcik tu kena refer ke HUSM untuk wat Pterygium Excision as it's going to extend and disturb the visual axis..dapat la peluang isi borang referral tu..
Dr. Tan jugak ajar sorg my frenz yg bukan mentee dia lepas tu..Dr Tan memang ada gaya sorg lecturer and doc yg hebat...Chaiyok2..
Then time untuk kutip signature funduscopy and short my MO didn't join the eye service, i have to approached any of the MO..ha ha that time barulah tahu apa yg diorg cakap pasal mentee Dr. Azreen.. kelakar sgt..ayat yg paling best "Siannye Azreen, naperlah mentee dia camnie.." bunyik cam our Mentor quite dissapointed la coz kitorg lambat nk appreciate finding time kat hu hu..masa tu, MO-MO tak tahu yg aku ni salah sorg mentee Dr. Azreen..hik hik, appraoch kali pertama xberjaya..
however, nk buktikan jgk mentee Dr. Azreen ni boelh buat jgk..try kali kedua..alone..without my frenz..MO ni kelakar..dia kata "alahai teruknya lukisan funduscopy kamu." tapi aku jawab balik "yg penting kita paham lukisan tu and saya nampak finding tu.."..hehehe..MO tu angguk setuju..wahhhh...sonoknya..
and kali ketiga untuk approach MO lain untuk funduscopy yg last ialah Dr. Che Maheran..
masa dia nk turunkan signature dia, dia tnya " Awak ni mentee saper yer??.." then aku reply " Sayalah mentee Dr. Azreen yg sorg lagi tu..."..kami gelak sama2..he he he..
Even time klinik kami xleh nk appreciate finding tp kami berjaya tgk findings time gi menceroboh ke wad medical and ortho semata2 nk tgk Diabetic Retinopathy..siap kena lecture ngan MO medical lagi..yeay...kami boleh...
Thanks MO, thanks Dr. Azreen..Thanks a lot my frenzs..i learned so much thing from u all..
never forget that..that's why i put all the things happen during the posting in this blog..n in my own diary..
Tuesday, 24 July 2007
Sunday, 22 July 2007
3rd Week in Ophthalmology Posting...
Salam semua..jumpa lagi..
3rd week kitorang posting ophthalmology..memang best and interesting..Specialist and MOs pun baik2..start diz week, dah ada 5th year yg posting ophthal gak..
Hari Ahad: cam biasa..klinik..time ni time nk kutip funduscopy examination..and short case presentation untuk dimuatkan kat dalam log book kami..
Time klinik, MO tanya bila nk,aku jawab la Selasa ni..terkejut dia..bimbangkan kami..dia terus carik and book patient yg ada finding best cam glaukoma, ARMD and DR..siap dia kata "hari ni awk mesti dah boleh appreciate finding dah"..ditakdirkan hari tu kami xleh merayap gi kiub org lain tgk kwn2 check patient..ha ha ha..padan least kami belajar gak..and 1st time aku dapat tgk rupa drusen tu..sonok sgt..
Ingat A'a ni boleh duk senyap ker?? Masa MO tu gi kiub lain, aku ikut merayap gak tp bukan ikut MO tu, tapi gi kiub lain..Sampai satu masa, my frenz sorg ni ajak tgk finding patient Retinitis Pigmentosa..bukan senang nk jmpa tu..baru jer nk tgk..dah dgr dah budak2 ni panggil kata MO tu carik aku..alamak..kantoi aku melarikan diri..
Diorg cakap aku kena demo wat Reverse RAPD ..xingat la plak..sudahlah last 2 weeks dia dah ajar tapi coz dah tahu itu postgrad nyer matter, tu yg xingat tu..kuangkuangkuang..
Jadi, menurut kata bos, aku pun pergilah ke segerombolan pelajar tu sambil melihat cahaya2 harapan daripada muka diorg yg aku akan demo reverse RAPD tu..sekali, aku cakap "Xingat la doktor.xreti"..and sekali lagi aku diselamatkan daripada membuat perkara yg aku tak tahu..yakni, MO time tu tgh bercakap ngan kawan aku sorg, peluang lagi sekali untuk melarikan mana??? mencari seseorg untuk menuntut ilmu reverse RAPD nih..hikhikhik..Dr. Tengku Norina lah tujuannya..walaupun takut gak ngan dia sikit2..
Finally, berjaya gak belajar ngan dia..Moralnya- pandai2lah carik peluang nk hidup..hehehe.
Tapi apa yg best time klinik ialah..nampak kesungguhan setiap MO untuk memberi tunjuk ajar pada each student undergrad yg diorg pegang..
Petang lak..Seminar 4..teruk group kena marah coz xikut piawaian yg specialist nak untuk betul kata dia..dah masuk 3rd phase medical school ni, yg penting the way we approach patient..bukan cam baca dalam buku tp the real thing yg ada depan mata kita..kalo meghafal jer ayat buku tapi kuar pun cam dalam buku..dalam kes pelik skit, sure takleh nk, kenalah belajar aplikasi teori dalam praktikal..
GOOD LUCK pada Syud, Azirah, Ara, K.Shik and Peck Lian..Viva korg Isnin 23/7
3rd week kitorang posting ophthalmology..memang best and interesting..Specialist and MOs pun baik2..start diz week, dah ada 5th year yg posting ophthal gak..
Hari Ahad: cam biasa..klinik..time ni time nk kutip funduscopy examination..and short case presentation untuk dimuatkan kat dalam log book kami..
Time klinik, MO tanya bila nk,aku jawab la Selasa ni..terkejut dia..bimbangkan kami..dia terus carik and book patient yg ada finding best cam glaukoma, ARMD and DR..siap dia kata "hari ni awk mesti dah boleh appreciate finding dah"..ditakdirkan hari tu kami xleh merayap gi kiub org lain tgk kwn2 check patient..ha ha ha..padan least kami belajar gak..and 1st time aku dapat tgk rupa drusen tu..sonok sgt..
Ingat A'a ni boleh duk senyap ker?? Masa MO tu gi kiub lain, aku ikut merayap gak tp bukan ikut MO tu, tapi gi kiub lain..Sampai satu masa, my frenz sorg ni ajak tgk finding patient Retinitis Pigmentosa..bukan senang nk jmpa tu..baru jer nk tgk..dah dgr dah budak2 ni panggil kata MO tu carik aku..alamak..kantoi aku melarikan diri..
Diorg cakap aku kena demo wat Reverse RAPD ..xingat la plak..sudahlah last 2 weeks dia dah ajar tapi coz dah tahu itu postgrad nyer matter, tu yg xingat tu..kuangkuangkuang..
Jadi, menurut kata bos, aku pun pergilah ke segerombolan pelajar tu sambil melihat cahaya2 harapan daripada muka diorg yg aku akan demo reverse RAPD tu..sekali, aku cakap "Xingat la doktor.xreti"..and sekali lagi aku diselamatkan daripada membuat perkara yg aku tak tahu..yakni, MO time tu tgh bercakap ngan kawan aku sorg, peluang lagi sekali untuk melarikan mana??? mencari seseorg untuk menuntut ilmu reverse RAPD nih..hikhikhik..Dr. Tengku Norina lah tujuannya..walaupun takut gak ngan dia sikit2..
Finally, berjaya gak belajar ngan dia..Moralnya- pandai2lah carik peluang nk hidup..hehehe.
Tapi apa yg best time klinik ialah..nampak kesungguhan setiap MO untuk memberi tunjuk ajar pada each student undergrad yg diorg pegang..
Petang lak..Seminar 4..teruk group kena marah coz xikut piawaian yg specialist nak untuk betul kata dia..dah masuk 3rd phase medical school ni, yg penting the way we approach patient..bukan cam baca dalam buku tp the real thing yg ada depan mata kita..kalo meghafal jer ayat buku tapi kuar pun cam dalam buku..dalam kes pelik skit, sure takleh nk, kenalah belajar aplikasi teori dalam praktikal..
GOOD LUCK pada Syud, Azirah, Ara, K.Shik and Peck Lian..Viva korg Isnin 23/7
Saturday, 14 July 2007
Posting in Ophthalmology Year 4
3:55 AM 7/13/2007
Tonight..early friday morning..i got a chance back to write in my blog after a long time i didn't do so..why toninght??? yeay..i already finished my first weeek of ophthalmology posting in year 2 weeks more to go..what a short time to fulfill the minimum requirement or otherwise we will failed our most interesting posting..huhu..mintak jauh la..AMIN
For additional information..we have to performed at least 20 funduscopy examination and got MO/Lecturer's signature to approved it..besides, for those who are posting in ophthalmology, make sure u know basic things about funduscopy ur frenz, help ur frenzs..any interesting findings u found, tell ur frenzs, ask ur frenz to come ward or clinics..without ur own funduscope, it's really difficult to survive..we have to search for it all over the clinic..and sometimes we have to borrow it from the MDL..luckily i already borrowed it from MDL..the lab..for 3 weeks..hehe..hoewever..i still shared it with my frenzs....get ur own funduscope..however, i have to think many times before i can lend mine to others..of course have to think again n's very expensive and it's important to not wasting ur scholarship to buyleast important goods..So..SAVING SAVING SAVING...
in ophthalmology posting, we are divided into 3 team..A, B, C..each team have different activities..eventhoughwe're in the same group, that's not mean we have a chance to meet our frenzs from other team..only during tutorial..u know what i feel?? i feel very far from my frenzs..huhuhu..hope we can improve it by the 2nd weeks of postings..
Each students will be attached to a MO..Medical officer who is doing Msc in Ophthalmology..i have to share the same MO with my frenz..the MO will teach us certain procedures and alwiz ask us about common disease of the eyes..During clinic time, we have to clerk patients, observed and performed procedures..all of that must have a signature.So, depends on the MO..some got very sporting MO and some got quite moody MO..huhu..Alhamdullillah my MO have a willing to teach us with a full commitment..that's why i cannot waste my chance to learn from him n my frenzs..
thanks a lot guys..
During OT..we went to OT room 9 and 12..we observed some operations and certain procedures..all surgery involved microscope..microsurgery So..we have to listen properly on what our MO and the specialist discussing during the operations..we also learn the theories of the operations such as ECCE, ICCE, phacoemulsification and etc..
phaco means lens
4:31 PM 7/13/2007
After diz we gonna discuss about funduscopy as tonight we will visit the ward.. What a stress day for me.. New Books..more money needed, no clinicsno OT..i really missed that day..less time for us to cover the log book..
i think i have write everything i think u should know about our first posting..Ophthalmology..
Here are the list of my team. Group B withe the name of their MOs..of course this will be our memory in the future..
Sani and Hisham : Dr. Tg. Norina
Saril and Me : Dr. Azreen Redzal Anuar
Cik Pu : Dr. Che Maheran
Syud : Dr. Tan Soo Ken
Ara : Dr. Bashkaran
Azirah : Dr. Omar
Kak Syidah : Dr. Hamiza
Kak Syik : Dr. Amelah
Tonight..early friday morning..i got a chance back to write in my blog after a long time i didn't do so..why toninght??? yeay..i already finished my first weeek of ophthalmology posting in year 2 weeks more to go..what a short time to fulfill the minimum requirement or otherwise we will failed our most interesting posting..huhu..mintak jauh la..AMIN
For additional information..we have to performed at least 20 funduscopy examination and got MO/Lecturer's signature to approved it..besides, for those who are posting in ophthalmology, make sure u know basic things about funduscopy ur frenz, help ur frenzs..any interesting findings u found, tell ur frenzs, ask ur frenz to come ward or clinics..without ur own funduscope, it's really difficult to survive..we have to search for it all over the clinic..and sometimes we have to borrow it from the MDL..luckily i already borrowed it from MDL..the lab..for 3 weeks..hehe..hoewever..i still shared it with my frenzs....get ur own funduscope..however, i have to think many times before i can lend mine to others..of course have to think again n's very expensive and it's important to not wasting ur scholarship to buyleast important goods..So..SAVING SAVING SAVING...
in ophthalmology posting, we are divided into 3 team..A, B, C..each team have different activities..eventhoughwe're in the same group, that's not mean we have a chance to meet our frenzs from other team..only during tutorial..u know what i feel?? i feel very far from my frenzs..huhuhu..hope we can improve it by the 2nd weeks of postings..
Each students will be attached to a MO..Medical officer who is doing Msc in Ophthalmology..i have to share the same MO with my frenz..the MO will teach us certain procedures and alwiz ask us about common disease of the eyes..During clinic time, we have to clerk patients, observed and performed procedures..all of that must have a signature.So, depends on the MO..some got very sporting MO and some got quite moody MO..huhu..Alhamdullillah my MO have a willing to teach us with a full commitment..that's why i cannot waste my chance to learn from him n my frenzs..
thanks a lot guys..
During OT..we went to OT room 9 and 12..we observed some operations and certain procedures..all surgery involved microscope..microsurgery So..we have to listen properly on what our MO and the specialist discussing during the operations..we also learn the theories of the operations such as ECCE, ICCE, phacoemulsification and etc..
phaco means lens
4:31 PM 7/13/2007
After diz we gonna discuss about funduscopy as tonight we will visit the ward.. What a stress day for me.. New Books..more money needed, no clinicsno OT..i really missed that day..less time for us to cover the log book..
i think i have write everything i think u should know about our first posting..Ophthalmology..
Here are the list of my team. Group B withe the name of their MOs..of course this will be our memory in the future..
Sani and Hisham : Dr. Tg. Norina
Saril and Me : Dr. Azreen Redzal Anuar
Cik Pu : Dr. Che Maheran
Syud : Dr. Tan Soo Ken
Ara : Dr. Bashkaran
Azirah : Dr. Omar
Kak Syidah : Dr. Hamiza
Kak Syik : Dr. Amelah