First medal : Gold for 100m Backstroke with new world record 52.54s

he losses to Lin Dan of China with 2-0 (12-21, ...21)..tak ingat..hehe..nnti check Silver..but it's OK la..
Part 1: On the boat..water
Three of us..going to three SABAH...
Pulau Mamutik (interesting story: nearly drown)
Pulau Manukan (ineteresting part: expensive lunch)
Pulau Sapi (interesting experienced: desensitization of hydrophobic)
akanishi of KAT-TUN -on the screen
Kelantanese term for this condition : Terbolah..
Tomorrow's parents will pick me to the Federal get new spectacle..i already used the broken one since i'm in 1st year (now in 5th year), can imagine how the tiny screw became loose..and alwayz the glass on the both side became misalignment..sakitnya mata..jadi pening..sebab cermin tu senget sebelah...
Hope to get one new specs tomorrow..with frame??..will consider that, at least the same accident won't happened again..frameless??..also still can be consider..why?? dalam gambar tak nampak pakai specs..haha..